Capture Management Solutions

Government Initiatives

Iowa Department on Aging - I Found It Campaign

Iowa Department on Aging had an initiative to assist the Area Agencies on Aging with a Federal program under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA). Medicare access and affordability for low-income beneficiaries is a major goal of MIPPA. Capture Management Solutions worked with the Iowa Department on Aging conducting state-wide research and marketing for this program objective.

  • I found it campaign sample toolkit

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The Challenge

Research showed that individuals who were qualified for Medicare assistance did not recognize or identify as someone who should receive assistance. Individuals ignored terms such as "Income Eligible" and it did not connect with them. How do we reach individuals, primarily in rural areas, to discuss a Medicare benefit that has income eligibility that is income level based?

What We Did

Since our research showed individuals did not connect or identify with programs when discussing income based eligibility, the messaging had to change from eligibility to focusing on the benefits of each program. The "I Found It" Campaign was developed to change the messaging to allow individuals to find solutions and benefits that mattered to them when it came to Medicare insurance.

What We Achieved

The "I Found It Campaign" went beyond just addressing the specific program, but was a catalyst for agencies who help individuals with Medicare insurance to discuss other beneficial programs. A communications plan was developed that instructed how agencies could use this messaging, tie it to earned and paid media opportunities and develop digital campaigns.
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