Capture Management Solutions

Drive Membership

Drive Membership For Your Organization

Iowa Physical Therapy Association (IPTA) took a different approach for a membership drive and partnered with the national association to help develop an online digital strategy to drive membership for the organization.
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The Challenge

Iowa Physical Therapy Association (IPTA) wanted to grow membership while looking for an innovative way to attract former and new members. IPTA wanted to know why members join and why do they remain as members? What is their unique member benefit?

What We Did

Research was first conducted with current members using small focus groups during an annual meeting and online surveys that asked members what unique factor was important for them to become and remain members. Research showed, continuing education, advocacy and networking were the most common themes. 

Our team developed a communications plan and digital advertising along with a theme called, "Are You Up To The Challenge?". Each advertisement focused on one of the three themes, networking, education and advocacy and interchanged these themes to keep the message fresh and different while online.

To keep advertising costs within budget we worked with the national association to identify members who lapsed in the last five years. This allowed a more targeted approach to individuals who were familiar with the organization.

What We Achieved

The membership campaign ran for around one month. The small amount invested returned a 17% increase in additional membership dollars from the same month in the prior year. Every $1 invested in the advertising campaign returned $12 in revenue to the organization.
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